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Blue Grotto

Headed to west central Florida to continue training for my divemaster student. Traditionally the last week of January is cold, by Floridian standards, and this week has been no different. For us it is like diving in late September, early October back home. Nights in the 30s-40s, day high 60s low to mid 70s. But it was in the 80s last week here. No complaints, back home the morning temps have been around 9 degrees. Glad to miss that.

Blue Grotto is said to be the largest clear water cavern in the Florida springs area, they have great facilities top side. Easy entry, warm, clear 72 degree water and wide open cavern to 50 ft. There is a swim through that takes you down to 100 ft, it is awesome, they have a line run the whole distance. Keep a hand on the line you can't get lost or loose your way.  






Talking about Diving to a BSA Round Table.

This evening I will be speaking at the NCAC Bull Run District Round Table about Scouting and Diving.

Here is the presenation :

BSA and DIVING  (this is a 15Mb download Power Point Show)

If you need a power point viewer here is the microsofts link

Here are links to files you may need to get your troop/crew into diving.

Snorkel BSA

PADI Dive Adventure Scholorship 

If you have any qustions or need any additional information please contact me

Let's GO DIVING!!!





Scouting Discover Scuba Lake Rawlings

This weekend I met up with Troop 295 for a Discover Scuba Saturday. We had six scout and adults that wanted to Discover Scuba.  We chose Lake Rawling because they were camping and the water is warm and clear this time of year.  

Broke them into two groups. We started out on the shallow platform. Once we completed all the skills we went for a  dive cross the quarry to the bus.  Found the computers, rocking horses, the stove and B Ball court. One the hoop is looking kinda sad. Found the bus the odd chacater that was driving it. Then dove our way back to the shallow platform.

Did the same trip with the second group but the scouts wanted to see the hubcap tree and since we had plenty of air, why not.

All in it was a good day if though it rain most the time we didn't mind we were already wet.

Thinking about trying Scuba Diving, this is a great place to start.



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PADI Rescue Class and EFR this weekend

What a GREAT weekend! PADI Rescue and Emergency First Responder (EFR) courses. Those participating in the course ranged from the reasonably new diver to the former military diver starting work on his civilian certs.

Friday afternoon covered Primary and Secondary care (First Aid). Most everybody had some past training it made the flying gauze and bandages easy to work through.

Saturday morning we hit the pool. Worked on self rescue and tows.  Learned something new about myself today. I found when acting as a victim needing rescue and you dive down and grab one of my ankles as your rescue option, you stand a better than even chance of being punched when you surface. Not much in water bothers me, the got right next to me, fast.  Also learned Tige can move really quick in the water when he wants to.  It's all good. We worked out other options.  The students did excellent. One of the best Rescue pool classes I have done.

Saturday afternoon we work played with Resuscitation Annie and her unnamed friend practicing scene assessment and CPR.  During the EFR course we discuss how it can be used in diving, the course is a ILCOR recognized First Aid and CPR class. This training could be put to use whenever the need arises.

Sunday was a great day. The weather was wonderful and it is late enough in the year Millbrook is about as warm as it is going to get.  We went out over  the sandy bottom near  the row boat off of beach 1 and work on our skills, loosing, finding, and ascending with divers. Worked stripping gear off of "victims" as we swam them to shore.  Hid the VA Scuba lost diver dummy. Tige and I waited a while for the student to find him. The student started in either the wrong direction or  turned around and figured out where the dummy  was lost at.

If you are an Advanced Open Water Diver looking for a new fun and rewarding diving challenge consider both the EFR and Rescue course, contact me and we can add it to the schedule. Or if would like to become trained as a Emergency First Responder (EFR) or need to renew your certification, it only last for two years, let me know this is a stand alone course.

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ScubaJam 3 - another great time

This was year 3 for ScubaJam Virginia.  As regular reader of this blog know each ScubaJam is held Labor Day weekend at Lake Rawlings in Rawlings VA .

ScubaJam is where  Boy Scouts, Ventures crews or any other organized youth group from Virginia, Maryland, DC and North Carolina get together for a weekend to dive for FUN.

This year was no exception.  Diving, all you wanted, Games, in-water challenges, I think while underwater limbo and the balloon contest are always favorites, the new underwater ping-pong spoon race was a blast the dive teams were very competitive.

The new challenge this weekend was the rain. it did not rain often but when it did it poured. The rain on Saturday I missed, I was diving. The rain on Sunday during dinner made it hard to fit everyone under Ford's pavillion. It did stop in time for the award presentation. A ton of dive gear was donated by manufactures and given away, There was three door prizes as well as $3000 dollars of continuing dive education scholarships given away

ScubaJam just keeps getting better and BETTER!

I am running behind this year with the video but I plan to have it done soon.

Get your group together and plan on joining us Labor Day weekend 2014 at Lake Rawlings!





Junes Dive Classes

Okay so it has been a little slow on the dive training front. But the end of June was very busy; for me at least.

I had two Discover Scubas and one Scuba Tune up. In between my classed I took pictures of Steve and Rachel's Confinined Open Water class.  All of the classes and student we had did great. The OW students are signed up for thier open water dives in the coming weeks. 

Here are some pics.






Diving the Duane

June 13, 2011 Second dive of the day USCG Duane, sister ship to the Bibb which was the first dive today.  Same class of ship but two very different dives. The Bibb landed on it side, the Duane sits upright. Lots of sea life in the forward part of the ship. I want to do this one again, hoping we can use the bow or mid ship ball to drop on. Water temp 84. Viz +/-100 ft Depth avg 85 ft.





Double Dip on the Spiegel Grove

June 12 2011- Arrived in Tavernier, FL last night checked in with folks at Conch Republic Divers. Headed out this morning to dive the Spiegel Grove. Up until day before yesterday they are saying the weather was crappy. The winds changed and the sea laid down. Today it is beautiful. The ocean is as flat as a swimming pool. Water temp was 82 degrees. Could not ask for a better day to go diving.  There were two of us on the boat we opted to do both dives on the Spiegel. My dive buddy Jeff has at least 100 dives on the Spiegel and I was glad for it. Got to see things I would have miss with another buddy and  it was my first time down. Two great dives.  Only bummer was I did not change the memory card in by GO Pro between dives and I did not capture the last part of  dive two. That's okay there is no video proof I got turn around inside the boat, almost got stuck in a set of closets. It's all good.





Diving the Bibb June 13 2011

June 13 2011 - Dove the Bibb this morning. Water temp 84. Viz +/-100 ft Depth 104 ft no current. Good reef. Next up Bibbs sister ship Duane which is sitting upright. 





Diving conditions on the Vandenberg

June 14 2011- Here is a quick video on the surface conditions the day I dove the Vandenberg off Key West. It was a fantastic week for diving. I have videos for all dives from this trip. I am working on editing them and will post them soon.





Bubblemaker and Scuba Reviews

Guess who will have the coolest story when he returns to school this fall.  We all know the teacher will ask his class either to tell or write about "What you did this summer."  I can tell you my new nine year old buddy Clayton will have one of the best stories.  He went SCUBA DIVING!!!.  Clayton's mom and dad are divers and he wanted to try it out. He is just months shy of being old enoough to be a certified scuba diver, you have to be 10.  But he could not wait to try it.

So Clayton's parent signed him up for PADI Bubblemaker. Along with going diving Clayton also received kid-sized beach towel, log book, certificate, temporary tattoo emblem and the adorable and a popular Bubblemaker “action figure". Whaoo too cool!

Once Clayton finished his Bubblemaker dive and was drying off with his new towel. His mom Audrey jumped in to do a Scuba Tune up.  This was all on Saturday.

Then on Sunday Clayton's Dad along with four other folks that wanted to do a Scuba Tunes where in the pool with me.  Besides Clayton's Dad we had a Boy Scout, as well as a bother and sister getting ready for a trip; she was only 12 and was an awesome diver.  All in all we had a get time this weekend.

Almost all of the certified divers in the pool this weekend are going on a trip with in the next two weeks to some exotic location for vacation and diving is part of their vacation plans.

So keep that in mind if you are planning a vacation soon and diving will be part of the fun. We do Scuba Tunes/Review every other Sunday at the Freedom Center pool.





Vandenberg Dive 2

Conditions where still just as perfect. For the second dive we explored the bow section. While there is a lot to expolre, the bridge area is very open with easy swim throughs.  I was diving with two diver of mix expericence and skill levels so we stuck to the bright, easy and exterior passages. I would really like to go back with divers I know, who are properly equip and explore more of the interior of the ship. That will be a really cool set of dives. 

I will post or link more videos and stills as I upload them.





Diving the Vandenberg

Today I fulfilled a long time objective/dream. I have followed the story of the USS Vandenberg from the time I learn that it was in shipyard in Richmond Virginia being clean up to be used as an artifical reef off of Key West Flordia.  Following the up and down story through to the sinking. I even took of the morning of the sinking to watch it on the internet. (they should have used squarespace). My plan started that day I was going to dive the ship as soon as I could.   

The inital trip I had planned back in March fell through. I decied I would go anyway and make it up as I go. The week has been perfect. Could not have asked for better weather or dive conditions.  Sunny and warm on the surface. Glass flat see no current, great viz and warm water.  You could see the Vandenberg from the deck of the dive boat it was so clear and calm.

I had two cameras with me. A GO Pro HD on my head and a Canon in hand I have lots of video. We where tied to the midship ball. This short video is from the first dive where we covered the stren section. Yeah I need a red filter, I know.  I will post a link to the stills and other videos once I have them uploaded. 







Another open water diver

Sam meet everybody. Everybody this is Sam.

Sam has an English class assignment where she has to write a paper about something she learned. This girl is going to the extreme. Which after getting to know her that is not surprising.

Back in March Sam was in one of my Open Water Pool classes. I knew then she would be a natural. Her families plan was to go to St Thomas for Spring Break. But with Carnival and out of control air fare they are opting to go some place closer to home later this spring or early summer. Sam needed to get her paper done so she chose this past weekend to complete her open water dives at Millbrook quarry.

Her dad was doing this Advanced Open Water this weekend so the timing was perfect.  I wish I could say the same about Saturday mornings weather. It was pouring down rain. Yeah, I know we where diving,  we where going to be wet anyway. But you have to change in and out of scuba gear, it would be nice to get/be warm between dives, the water tempure at 30 ft was 42 degrees.  We where down in the water for 25-30 minutes. Sam's mom came along to watch from the warmth of their pickup truck and commented that is really wasn't raining all that much until we surfaced.  Her mom also brought a 5 gallon water jug full of hot water. We poured cupfuls of it in our wet suits as we changed gear and off gassed. All in all Saturdays dives where very wet but fun.

 Sunday was bright and sunny we headed over to beach 2.5. The day had promise to flawlessly. Until my ears decided to be not clear. After completing a few surface skills we where descending for our first dive , I could not get past ten feet. My left ear would not equalized. After a couple of attempts we surfaced, I did several equalizing techniques. Then we tried again, I got to 20 feet,  decided we would do Sam underwater nav. On the return trip of both my ears equalize and I was good for the rest of the day. Sam worked all of her skills requirements like a champ. 

When we surfaced from our second dive of the day Sam was officially an Open Water Diver.  Way to go Sam!

Sam, her dad Justin, Gavin and JerryOpen Water Diver Sam and her instructor









Keys Wreck-Trek in June

I have sign up for this dive trip in the Florida Keys. I have been looking for a trip like this for a while. A couple of years ago when I was at the Beneath the Sea dive show the year after the Vandenburg was sunk, I stopped by the The Monroe County Tourist Development Council booth (known on web as this booth is always huge and popular; staffed with several dive operations, this is where I learned about the Wreck Trek.

The Tourist Development Council had put together the Flordia Keys Wreck Trek to encourage divers to explore all the major/notable wrecks from Key Largo to Key West.  

Here is the information from their website. I spoke with them this past weekend and they have space available, if your a diver and need a cool trip, here it is...

June 11 - 17, 2011

Join the live aboard M/V Spree and Conch Republic Divers for a 6 night 5 day diving adventure. We have put together a package enabling you to dive all 9 wrecks associated with the Florida Keys Wreck Challenge.

Package includes diving, airport transportation, lodging, nitrox, and most of your meals.

Details and sign up at Wreck Trek Challenge





Spring Dive training picking up.

Up early this weekend to teach Open Water Confined pool classes. I had three students, plus Gavin with his Divemaster Candidate Jerry joined in at times so Jerry could see an OW class in process.

The students Sam, Marissa and Christian did a great job. Saturdays class was tough for Christian and Mariissa both being very fit and very little body fat got cold early and could not get warmed up no matter what we did, even though the pool is 79 degrees, they were troopers.  We fixed this problem for Sunday, we outfitted them with wet suits and it made the day much more fun.  

Sam, she stared out in a wet suit so she was warm all weekend. Her dad bought her a set of regulators Saturday when we got back to the shop. She used them Sunday morning for her dives.

They will all be good divers, Marissa and Christian will be doing their Open Water dive with Virginia Scuba on the first dive of the dive season at Millbrook Quarry the weekend of April 2. Sam is going to St Thomas with her family for Spring Break; she will finish her Open Water dives there, then go diving with her dad.

With the change in time, Saturday morning the sun was up when I got to the shop.  Sunday morning it was still dark, not sure I am crazy about the whole time change thing.

Next weekend I am back in the pool again. At the moment I have five students, I would like to get three more people to join me.  If you are currnetly doing e-learning, finish up and join me.  If you have been thinking about it, sign up today, complete the e-learning course by Friday and join us next weekend!







Talking SCUBA at a Father-Son event

Spent the morning talking SCUBA diving at  a Father-Son event in Fairfax.  This was a church sponsored event that had about 250+ people show up.  With Virginia Scuba we spoke to about 50 Dads and their boys about PADI's Bubble Maker program, Discover Scuba, Open Water program. For the Dad's that where already certified divers we talked about PADI Advanced Open Water and Speciality options.

Lots of questions about where to go diving, sharks and coral reefs. 

We let those who where willing to try on scuba gear and breath off a regulator.

It was a good time with Susie and Gavin and hopefully we sparked some new friends to try SCUBA.




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