Headed to west central Florida to continue training for my divemaster student. Traditionally the last week of January is cold, by Floridian standards, and this week has been no different. For us it is like diving in late September, early October back home. Nights in the 30s-40s, day high 60s low to mid 70s. But it was in the 80s last week here. No complaints, back home the morning temps have been around 9 degrees. Glad to miss that.

Blue Grotto is said to be the largest clear water cavern in the Florida springs area, they have great facilities top side. Easy entry, warm, clear 72 degree water and wide open cavern to 50 ft. There is a swim through that takes you down to 100 ft, it is awesome, they have a line run the whole distance. Keep a hand on the line you can't get lost or loose your way.  




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