June 12 2011- Arrived in Tavernier, FL last night checked in with folks at Conch Republic Divers. Headed out this morning to dive the Spiegel Grove. Up until day before yesterday they are saying the weather was crappy. The winds changed and the sea laid down. Today it is beautiful. The ocean is as flat as a swimming pool. Water temp was 82 degrees. Could not ask for a better day to go diving.  There were two of us on the boat we opted to do both dives on the Spiegel. My dive buddy Jeff has at least 100 dives on the Spiegel and I was glad for it. Got to see things I would have miss with another buddy and  it was my first time down. Two great dives.  Only bummer was I did not change the memory card in by GO Pro between dives and I did not capture the last part of  dive two. That's okay there is no video proof I got turn around inside the boat, almost got stuck in a set of closets. It's all good.



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