Guess who will have the coolest story when he returns to school this fall.  We all know the teacher will ask his class either to tell or write about "What you did this summer."  I can tell you my new nine year old buddy Clayton will have one of the best stories.  He went SCUBA DIVING!!!.  Clayton's mom and dad are divers and he wanted to try it out. He is just months shy of being old enoough to be a certified scuba diver, you have to be 10.  But he could not wait to try it.

So Clayton's parent signed him up for PADI Bubblemaker. Along with going diving Clayton also received kid-sized beach towel, log book, certificate, temporary tattoo emblem and the adorable and a popular Bubblemaker “action figure". Whaoo too cool!

Once Clayton finished his Bubblemaker dive and was drying off with his new towel. His mom Audrey jumped in to do a Scuba Tune up.  This was all on Saturday.

Then on Sunday Clayton's Dad along with four other folks that wanted to do a Scuba Tunes where in the pool with me.  Besides Clayton's Dad we had a Boy Scout, as well as a bother and sister getting ready for a trip; she was only 12 and was an awesome diver.  All in all we had a get time this weekend.

Almost all of the certified divers in the pool this weekend are going on a trip with in the next two weeks to some exotic location for vacation and diving is part of their vacation plans.

So keep that in mind if you are planning a vacation soon and diving will be part of the fun. We do Scuba Tunes/Review every other Sunday at the Freedom Center pool.



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