
At long last, several months, embarrassingly to say, a bunch of meetings, a few heated conversation about direction and a LOT of typing, it has launched! Officially as of Saturday morning. The new Virginia Scuba website has been released in to the wild  Go check it out, I'll wait... go, look, I will  be here.

As with any site it is a work in progress.  I have found a few typos and missed words since it was released and fixed them. After weeks of reading and typing it all kinda ran together.  If you find others let me know.

Next up: The on-line store. The store is there ready to go, it is just disable at the moment. They are setting up the payment processing and and working out a few of the policy issues. We are all hoping that will happen by next weekend. Big plans for the store moving forward too you will be able to order just about everything they carry.

If you went on the Bonaire trip and have pictures; we could use a few of them for the gallery; it is blank at the moment. Seen them to me or Tige, please.

Any suggestions or comments let me know. Also let the guys at Virginia Scuba know too. They put a lot of time and though into making this happen. I know they would appreciate the feed back. You can leave them a note here or send them an email to



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