Happy Take your Kid to Work Day!

This is a great idea if you have a job where you can take your son or daughter to your work place and show them what you do all day.

What if what you do for a living, you can't?

This was the problem facing my new friend Scott.   

His dad works for the government and in his own words (okay, I am paraphrasing here) "If I was deaf, dumb and blind I could go hang out at my dad's work." (His dad works in a top secret facility) His mom works in the private sector but deals with a lot of confidential and propriety information, again not another great (fun) place to hang out for work. Don't get me wrong, his mom loves what she does and is really good at her job, but as a teenager, not so much fun.

About a month a go, Scott and his mom recognized this problem.  She said "So what do you want to do?" Scott reply he wanted to see what it takes to be a Scuba Instructor.  Scott's mom, Joan, is a good friend of mine, knew instantly who to call.

Joan and I chatted; I figured the best way to experience what a Scuba Instructor does is to take a Discover Scuba Class.  Working with Virginia Scuba and the Freedom Center I was able to set up a special Thursday morning Discover Scuba Class. In a nut shell it was the easiest and most fun way I could think of to take a look at the life of a Scuba Instructor.

As part of this process Scott has to report back to his class about his day. His teacher supplied him with a six page form with all kinds of questions to ask to build as the base of his report. 

We put together gear, asked and answered questions, talked about training, did some diving. Scott was really good. Did paperwork, cleaned equipment, took a tour of the scuba shop, answered more questions from the form. Took pictures all in all it was a great time. 

We both agreed that there was no way any of his friends where having this much fun today.

The next Take your kid to work day is next April.  If you need option, mark your 2011 calendar in March to give me a call or send me an email  and we can make this happen for your teenager too!

You or your teen can't wait that long to try scuba diving. We have Discover Scuba Diving Classes twice a month and would be glad to have you join us.



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