Congratulations Roz!

At 2 PM Local Tarawa  Roz Savage completed the second leg of her journey to row across the Pacific, 104 days at sea, 3158 miles, ~1,335,843 Oar Strokes. Roz left Hawaii back in May she has blogged, tweeted and has given live audio broadcast about her journey along the way. Her point to rowing the Pacific is to raise awareness about global warming.

Roz was the first woman to row solo across the Atlantic back in 2005. In the summer of 2008 she rowed from California to Hawaii. On May 24, 2009 she left Hawaii headed to Tuvalu as the second stage of her three part row across the Pacific. Once she crossed the equator, the currents and winds where making it too difficult to keep heading south, combined with a broken fresh water maker balanced against her remaining food supply, Roz along with her support team decided to head to Tarawa (her alternate destination)

It has been great to watch daily as Roz progressed across the ocean on her web site.  Can't wait for next year and her final leg of her voyage. Once completed Roz will be the first woman to row across the Pacific solo. History in the making!




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