I first became aware of Roz Savage when I was looking for Leo Laporte on the web ( I am big fan of Leo; yeah I know, I am such a GEEK). I found Leo's TWIT (This Week In Tech) site the day Roz Savage had completed her first leg of ROWING solo across the Pacific Ocean.

In 2005 Roz was the first woman to complete rowing across the Atlantic. In the summer of 2008 she rowed from California to Hawaii. On May 24, 2009 she left Hawaii headed to Tuvalu as the second stage of her three part row across the Pacific.

Roz is well connected as she row and has a great land based support crew. They have created the ROZ TRACKER, I have included a link to the tracker on the right side of the page. It shows her GPS location, her path through the ocean, as well as her Twitter feeds, Blogger post and when she has time You Tube post. Roz is also doing a weekly NetCast Roz rows the Pacific with Leo that is available from Leo's site or Itunes.  This is an amazing amount of tech she has taken with her. It is all portable, it is all solar recharged, very cool stuff.

Roz has a platform for each segment she rows. She runs the whole adventure on donations. She is bringing awareness to global warming, pollution in the Pacific,  as well as the United Nations Environment Program: World Environment Day, which is Friday, June 5th .  If you follow UNEP on Twitter before June 5th, UNEP will plant a tree for each of their followers.

Roz also has extended a personal challenge through her PULL Together 09 website.  Roz rows on average 10,000 strokes a day. She asked you join her by walking 10,000 steps a day. (I am trying but not doing so well) it is about 2 hours, about 6 miles, a way to either get fit and/or reduce your carbon foot print.

So keep tabs on Roz as she continues this amazing adventure through her site and her tracker.




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