

February Discover Scuba

The last week or so winter has decided to show up in full force. But not matter, BSA Troop 884 wanted to try out SCUBA diving.  No mater there was a strong chance of snow and the night before was one of the coldest of the year so far.  Bright and early they showed up 8 scouts 3 adults and 2 other teenager who where out for an early Saturday morning adventure.   

Very busy getting all the paperwork and gear together, then the SCUBA van would not start, Our crack divemaster quickly came up with a plan B and off we went.  Midway through the first few skill as we where on the surface on of the scouts noted it was snowing.  Snowing it was.  By the time we got all dried off and went through the Discover Scuba log book and paperwork for BSA Scuba and BSA Snorkel, we finished up with the snorkeling requirements. There was several inches of new snow everywhere. Another great day in the pool!



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