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What's Next

Drew and What's Next?!



Drew and What's Next?!

Spring is here and divers in this area want to get back in the water. Yeah, the lake is still cold but yeah ya got to go dive!

Drew wanted to complete Virginia Scuba's What's Next?! program.  A weekend of diving completing 3 certifications and 6 dives. The week before we did Drew's coursework for Enriched Air Nitrox so he could do all of his dives on Nitrox, While at the lake during surface intervals we would cover the coursework for Navigation and Perfect Buoyancy. Then do the dive for the certs. Great diving, crappy weather rained (poured) most of the time.  Lee was also there with Joe doing  Joe's Open Water Cert with Jerry as his DM.

Cold and rainy but we made the best of it. Had a lot of fun.  Drew did a large Nav around the lake as his final task brought us right back to where we started.

Congratulations Drew!  You are now that much closer to your goal of Master Diver!





What's Next art work complete and assembled.



What's Next art work complete and assembled.

Had no plan or thoughts to cobble together a  new dive training program.  As part of a discussion sitting around  the table with the guys at the shop  we wanted to have a way divers felt would move them along with their training. knowledge, skill level and confidence.  Did not create anything new, just repackage what is already being offered in a way that lets the diver feel accomplish.  Just a few months from idea to schedule. We are off to a good start.

Then we figured we needed artwork for a display end cap in the store.  About a month to get that all together, just a few years ago this would have cost a small fortune to do. It was not cheap but do-able.

This display will be hanging in the shop this Thursday afternoon.  that the next time I can get there. Once it is up I will add a store shot.


on 2013-07-23 23:12 by Otter


And here it is in action. On display to infom all those who walk through the shop.  It looks AWESOME.  As I was leaving they moved it more towards the front of the shop beacuse they thought it looked awesome too.  :-)





What's Next First Course

Fun weekend, all together, spread out over a couple of weekends. The viz was REALLY bad at Millbrook the first weekend. After discussing options with Instructor Steve we decided to go Rawlings to complete the NAV course. It was the best choice. Clear and warm down to about 35 ft. Congrats to our first What's Next Divers!!!



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