This past weekend John wanted to do a couple of dives, Neither one of our schedules had time to run down to Lake Phoenix, so we opted for Millbrook Quarry which is just around the corner. This is where I leaned to dive year ago. Back then there where Zebra mussels in the water. While and invasive species they did a great job at filtering the water. They were eradicated several years back. Since then the turbidity be come a near constant layer of almost ick. The few time I have been there over the last few year I have found the layer which starts ta about 10 ft is dense enough the top layer of water is heating to near 80 degrees in the summer time, the bottom of the lay is between 25-35 ft and is about 50-60 degrees and you need lights to dive it.
Needless to say this is why we stopped training here. But John needed a couple of dives to help him on his way to dive master. Top side it was late summer early fall day. the dive well here is the video we are round 30 ft deep.....
After dive selfie