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Demo Day at Lake Millbrook this weekend.

This Sunday only it's Demo Day at Lake Millbrook.

This is always a fun event. Manufactures set up tents and let you try their stuff for free.

Regs, BCDs, Fins, lights, Drysuits, all kinds of stuff.

Good food, good people. Cool dive equipment to try. What could be better.

If go, ask to try the new Halcyon Regulators. I picked up a set earlier this year, they are great!

I will be taking a look at Halcyon new lights. If you go deep enough and can take the cold you can put them to good use in Millbrook.

Virginia Scuba is going to be handing out Lakeside discount coupons, that's right the only place you can get them is from the Virginia Scuba tent at Lake Millbrook. These coupons  the can be used towards gear purchases back at their shop. 


Update: I hear Whites Dry Suite, Aqualung, and Sunnto are among the many manufactures that will be there.

On your way out to Millbrook stop at Virginia Scuba to get your quarry pass (always cheaper at the shop then at the gate).  Have a great dive and try that new gear you have been thinking about.

On your way back with a discount coupon in hand, stop back at Virginia Scuba and buy that cool toy you tried.






Weekend Wrap up.

Discover Scuba Days was fun. Light turn out but fun none the less. 

After I finished up the DSD I switch my the regs  on my tank from Aeries to  Halcyon and took them for a swim.

They breath very nice. Since I have this set up as a tech diving kit I have the Halo reg for my primary and the Aurora as my reserve, I found the 22 inch hose for the Aurora is too short I could not turn my head to the left with out the reg pull out of my mouth. When I go back to the shop I ordered a 26 inch hose.  All in all for a pool test it was great! 





New Halcyon Regulators!!!

They are here! My new Halcyon Regulators, H-50D First stage with a Halo and Aura second stages. Configured as a tech kit. Assembled, adjusted (factory setting are nice, but this is life support equipment, it was needed) and bench tested at Virginia Scuba. I picked them up on Tuesday, I won't have a chance to dive them until Saturday and it will only be a pool dive, I can't wait.





Beneath The Sea!

Traveled to New Jersey this weekend to attend the PADI member forum and Beneath the Sea expo.

This was my first time at Beneath The Sea expo.  If you have never been, you should go. What a show! It was like the entire dive industry was there.  Manufactures, distributors, resorts, live aboards, dive shops, special interest groups. 

Talked to a lot of people, planning/dreaming about all of the cool places I would like to dive this year. Surprisingly most of them are in the US.  I would love to do an extended Keys trip and hit all of the wrecks.

Gear wise lots of cool stuff. Halcyon was their with their new cinch system.  I had my back plate upgraded last fall when they came out. It is a great add-on makes the harness snug and secure.  They also had their new regulators on display. I saved for months for those and that was tough in this economy but I order them last Friday form the folks at Virginia Scuba before leaving for Jersey. I can't wait for them to come in.   I will blog about them once I get them, hopefully later this month!

Rebreaters... the ultimate in dive gear.  From the research I have done, the divers and CCR instructors I have talked to the Dive Rite Optima is the way to go.  At Beneath The Sea expo there where at least six different manufactures of CCR equipment. 

Some of them looked like they were just built in someone's garage. I briefly watch an operation demo where the counter lung looked like two silicon milk jugs. As it was being demo it looked like someone milking a cow. Pretty scary, not a brand I would would to use.

Had a great time, saw the folks from Atlantis Charters their boat is ready to go. They are looking forward to a great season of diving.  I feel the need to visit the U352 again, soon.

Was hoping to take pictures but my droid was not cooperating, or it was just user error. Maybe next year.





Halcyon has a recall for OPV springs

Halcyon has posted a recall for their OPV springs

From Halcyon's website:

The following steps will assist the customer in identifying the serial number on their Eclipse, Evolve, Explorer, Pioneer or CCR35 buoyancy compensators (BCDs) manufactured between January, 2006 and September, 2008.

If the serial number begins with the following sequence, the OPV spring in the BCD should be inspected:
16, 26, 36, 46, 56, 66, 76, 86, 96, A6, B6, C6, 17, 27, 37, 47, 57, 67, 77, 87, 97, A7, B7, C7, 18, 28, 38, 48, 58, 68, 78, or 88

Halcyon apologized for the inconvenience and encourage Halcyon BCD and Inflatable owners with questions to contact their local Halcyon dealer, regional Halcyon distributor or Halcyon Tech Services directly.

I have an Eclipse (which is the coolest BC to dive) and I had one of the less-then-perfect springs. My spring looked just like defective one pictured on Halcyon's website.  The recall replacement was a quick and easy change out at Virginia Scuba. My 80 lbs lift bag OPV spring was fine.

Check your kit serial numbers, get the recall done.




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