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Diving with John Kitchen at Millbrook



Diving with John Kitchen at Millbrook

This past weekend John wanted to do a couple of dives, Neither one of our schedules had time to run down to Lake Phoenix, so we opted for Millbrook Quarry which is just around the corner.  This is where I leaned to dive year ago. Back then there where Zebra mussels in the water. While and invasive species they did a great job at filtering the water.  They were eradicated several years back. Since then the turbidity be come a near constant layer of almost ick.  The few time I have been there over the last few year I have found the layer which starts ta about 10 ft is dense enough the top layer of water is heating to near 80 degrees in the summer time, the bottom of the lay is between 25-35 ft and is about 50-60 degrees and you need lights to dive it.  

Needless to say this is why we stopped training here.   But John needed a couple of dives to help him on his way to dive master.  Top side it was late summer early fall day.  the dive well here  is the  video   we are round  30 ft deep.....

After dive selfie  

After dive selfie  





Talking Scuba with Ship 100


My buddy Jim Chaplin and I where asked by Boatswain Kayleigh of Ship 100 out of Gainesville to talk to the Ship about Scuba Diving.

Sea Scouts are part of the Boy Scouts of America, like Venturing Crew they are co-ed, but base learning leadership and having fun around nautical skills. 

Ship 100 wanted Jim and I to talk about the programs and options available through BSA.  We covered Snorkeling BSA, Scuba BSA and Scuba Diving and what is involved with each. Then we told them about BSA's High Adventure Camp, Sea Base, in the Florida Keys as well as other options and opportunities once they become certified divers.

I want to thank their Boatswain for inviting us to speak this evening and look forward to seeing them in the water diving soon.  

Tonight was also Ship 100's first anniversary as a unit. Congratulations!  

May you have fair winds and following seas. 





Talking SCUBA at a Father-Son event

Spent the morning talking SCUBA diving at  a Father-Son event in Fairfax.  This was a church sponsored event that had about 250+ people show up.  With Virginia Scuba we spoke to about 50 Dads and their boys about PADI's Bubble Maker program, Discover Scuba, Open Water program. For the Dad's that where already certified divers we talked about PADI Advanced Open Water and Speciality options.

Lots of questions about where to go diving, sharks and coral reefs. 

We let those who where willing to try on scuba gear and breath off a regulator.

It was a good time with Susie and Gavin and hopefully we sparked some new friends to try SCUBA.






Missed the opprotunity to hear Slyvia Earle speak!

Wondering around the web this afternoon, between weekend task and football games I notice that National Geographic had a National Geographic LIVE! event this morning in DC.  World famous diver,  author, renowned oceanographer and National Geographic Explorer-in-Residence (how cool would it be to have that title) Sylvia Earle was speaking about her new book  The World Is Blue: Why Saving the Oceans Will Also Save Us at the National Cathedral. It was a free event too. If I had found this out earlier I would have been there.

I am now signed up for the Nat Geo LIVE! newletter, so I won't miss out again.

If anyone else had the chance to see it post your comments and thoughts about it.







No diving but worked at the dive shop this weekend.

Not much diving for me lately. I was helping out at the dive shop this weekend. While most of the shop personnel spent the week in Cozumel, I offered to open the shop this weeked to help the other staff working this week.

The shop has put together FUN DIVES on these dates:
August 23, September 14, October,4 and October 18

From their webste:
"Join Virginia Scuba for a fun dive at Lake Millbrook! If you need a dive buddy, or just want to get more time in the water with other divers, then come out to the shop for this fun dive at Lake Millbrook. Our staff will be out to help you have a good time!

Meet at the shop with your gear at 8am. There is no charge for fun dives, however, you need to provide or rent your equipment and entrance ticket to the quarry."






Vandenberg getting closer...

Keys and Big reported the anchors for the Vandenberg arrived in Key West. The ship is supposed to be under way to Key West soon.  They want her on the bottom before hurricane season starts, which is June 1. Can't wait!  Great ship; will make a great reef.

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