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VIrginia Scuba

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Discover Scuba Diving this Saturday.

Otterventures and Virginia Scuba will be hosting the local event at the Freedom Center on Saturday morning June 5th. If you have been thinking about checking out SCUBA diving, this is a great introduction to see if SCUBA diving is for you.

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Discover Scuba Diving Days are coming!

PADI (Professional Association of Dive Instructors) will be nationally promoting several DISCOVER SCUBA DIVING DAYS events this year. The first event will be June 5 and 6. Otterventures and Virginia Scuba will be hosting the local event at the Freedom Center on Saturday morning June 5th.





New Halcyon Regulators!!!

They are here! My new Halcyon Regulators, H-50D First stage with a Halo and Aura second stages. Configured as a tech kit. Assembled, adjusted (factory setting are nice, but this is life support equipment, it was needed) and bench tested at Virginia Scuba. I picked them up on Tuesday, I won't have a chance to dive them until Saturday and it will only be a pool dive, I can't wait.





Halcyon has a recall for OPV springs

Halcyon has posted a recall for their OPV springs

From Halcyon's website:

The following steps will assist the customer in identifying the serial number on their Eclipse, Evolve, Explorer, Pioneer or CCR35 buoyancy compensators (BCDs) manufactured between January, 2006 and September, 2008.

If the serial number begins with the following sequence, the OPV spring in the BCD should be inspected:
16, 26, 36, 46, 56, 66, 76, 86, 96, A6, B6, C6, 17, 27, 37, 47, 57, 67, 77, 87, 97, A7, B7, C7, 18, 28, 38, 48, 58, 68, 78, or 88

Halcyon apologized for the inconvenience and encourage Halcyon BCD and Inflatable owners with questions to contact their local Halcyon dealer, regional Halcyon distributor or Halcyon Tech Services directly.

I have an Eclipse (which is the coolest BC to dive) and I had one of the less-then-perfect springs. My spring looked just like defective one pictured on Halcyon's website.  The recall replacement was a quick and easy change out at Virginia Scuba. My 80 lbs lift bag OPV spring was fine.

Check your kit serial numbers, get the recall done.






DC DIVE Show and Millbrook Demo Day

This week Fall starts so it must be time for the 2nd annual DC Dive Show.

This year it will be held September 25th and 26th at the Gaylord Resort and Convention Center on the Potomac in Maryland. I am planning to go Friday evening.

Then on September 27 Demo Day will be held at Lake Millbrook in Throughfare Virginia.

Two great events in one weekend. See all of the latest dive gear and cool places for dive travel at the show on Friday evening and Saturday, then come to Lake Millbrook on Sunday to try your favorite gear from the manufactures who where at the show.

I hear Virginia Scuba is going to have thier famous pulled pork again, hot off the smoked barbaque.





Day 2 of the FREE Discover SCUBA is done and it was a lot of fun!

Yep it's over.  Sundays Discover Scuba event was just as great as Saturdays.  The neat part was everybody  did different task from what they did on Saturday and it went just as smoothly.

Lots of people showed up and took their turn at discovering what scuba diving is like. Several folks again are signing up to take the open water class.

Rumor has it we might try this Free Discover Scuba thing again in the spring, stay tune.






Day 1 of the FREE Discover SCUBA weekend was a BLAST!

We had a GREAT time this morning. What where we doing?

We held a FREE Discover SCUBA at the Freedom Center.  The turn-out was excellent. Rachel and Kristen had develop the plan and flow for the large crowd of folks that participated.  Everyone had a great time and a number of the participants are signing up for the next step: the Open Water class. 

What's that, you're bummed because you miss all the fun today?!
It's not too late; we are doing it all again tomorrow morning at 9:00 AM. Come join us!

We have another large group signed up and would enjoy adding you to our list of fun!

Here is the link to Virginia Scuba's Free Discover Scuba sign up page.

If you have been thinking about checking out SCUBA diving, this is a great introduction to see if SCUBA diving is for you.

With diving there is always paperwork, you can down load the Discover Scuba Diving form here.

Read it and fill it out ahead of time. Then you will be all set to come join us and DIVE IN.

Update: I have add a picture below as well I have added a folder to my photo gallery. Enjoy.






FREE Discover Scuba!! THIS WEEKEND!

It's here, this weekend!!

Virginia Scuba and the Freedom Aquatic and Fitness Center are teaming up to offer a FREE Discover Scuba the weekend of September 19 and 20, 2009. How can you go wrong!

From the Freedom Aquatic and Fitness Centers website:

DISCOVER SCUBA - FREE to Freedom Members!
Saturday, September 19th 10:30am - 1:00pm
Sunday, September 20th 9:00am - 1:00pm
Discover Scuba
is an introduction to diving and gives you an opportunity to jump in the water with scuba gear under instructor supervision. The Virginia Scuba instructors will be on hand and in the water to introduce diving to anyone interested. Experience the excitement and adventure of the underwater world for FREE!
For complete details visit

Here is the link to Virginia Scuba's Free Discover Scuba sign up page.

If you have been toying with the idea to check out SCUBA diving, this is a great introduction to see if SCUBA diving is for you.

With diving there is always paperwork, you can down load the Discover Scuba Diving form here.

Read it and fill it out ahead of time. Then you will be all set to come join us and DIVE IN.






One Week to go until FREE Discover Scuba!

Only one week to go until the Free Discover Scuba Weekend.

Virginia Scuba and the Freedom Aquatic and Fitness Center are teaming up to offer a FREE Discover Scuba the weekend of September 19 and 20, 2009. How can you go wrong!

From the Freedom Aquatic and Fitness Centers website:

DISCOVER SCUBA - FREE to Freedom Members!
Saturday, September 19th 10:30am - 1:00pm
Sunday, September 20th 9:00am - 1:00pm
Discover Scuba
is an introduction to diving and gives you an opportunity to jump in the water with scuba gear under instructor supervision. The Virginia Scuba instructors will be on hand and in the water to introduce diving to anyone interested. Experience the excitement and adventure of the underwater world for FREE!
For complete details visit

Here is the link to Virginia Scuba's Free Discover Scuba sign up page.

If you have been toying with the idea to check out SCUBA diving, this is a great introduction to see if SCUBA diving is for you.

With diving there is always paperwork, you can down load the Discover Scuba Diving form here.

Read it and fill it out ahead of time. Then you will be all set to come join us and DIVE IN.






FREE Discover Scuba!!

Virginia Scuba and the Freedom Aquatic and Fitness Center are teaming up to offer a FREE Discover Scuba the weekend of September 19 and 20, 2009. How can you go wrong!

From the Freedom Aquatic and Fitness Centers website:

DISCOVER SCUBA - FREE to Freedom Members!
Saturday, September 19th 10:30am - 1:00pm
Sunday, September 20th 9:00am - 1:00pm
Discover Scuba
is an introduction to diving and gives you an opportunity to jump in the water with scuba gear under instructor supervision. The Virginia Scuba instructors will be on hand and in the water to introduce diving to anyone interested. Experience the excitement and adventure of the underwater world for FREE!
For complete details visit

Here is the link to Virginia Scuba's Free Discover Scuba sign up page.

If you have been toying with the idea to check out SCUBA diving, this is a great introduction to see if SCUBA diving is for you.

With diving there is always paperwork, you can down load the Discover Scuba Diving form here.

Read it and fill it out ahead of time. Then you will be all set to come join us and DIVE IN.





No diving but worked at the dive shop this weekend.

Not much diving for me lately. I was helping out at the dive shop this weekend. While most of the shop personnel spent the week in Cozumel, I offered to open the shop this weeked to help the other staff working this week.

The shop has put together FUN DIVES on these dates:
August 23, September 14, October,4 and October 18

From their webste:
"Join Virginia Scuba for a fun dive at Lake Millbrook! If you need a dive buddy, or just want to get more time in the water with other divers, then come out to the shop for this fun dive at Lake Millbrook. Our staff will be out to help you have a good time!

Meet at the shop with your gear at 8am. There is no charge for fun dives, however, you need to provide or rent your equipment and entrance ticket to the quarry."






Whites Dry Suit Demo Day was Great.

Okay, it was rainy, it was cold, it was muddy, but what better conditions to check out one of coolest dry suits on the market! There was a good turn out for those who wanted to try before you buy, several people came prepared to earn their Dry Suit Speciality certification.  The quarry was 44 degrees, the air temp was in the high 50's and pleanty of mud to go around.






Whites Dry Suit Demo Day Saturday.

Saturday April 11 at 11 AM at Millbrook Quarry Whites Manufacturing maker of Whites Dry Suits will a have trailer full of Dry Suits available to try and dive!

Stop by the Shop get your Quarry pass (it will save you money VS buying at the gate) then join us to see all of the cool stuff that Whites Diving has to offer in dry suits; like their Fusion Dry Suit, that's what I am looking at.

Should be a lot of fun and with the Dry Suit you won't notice the chilly water temperature.

Look for updates and pics after the event.



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Getting ready for spring and diving.

Spent the weekend at the dive shop VIP-ing tanks, O2 cleaning tanks (lots of heavy lifting) and O2 cleaning valves. 

The quarry opens for the regular season on April 4th. Yes it will be cold, not looking to splash in right away. 
The last person to do a chilly willy dive in mid-march said the water was 44 degrees, I really need a dry suit.

Oh look - Virginia Scuba is having a Whites Drysuit Demo day on April 11th - hum a Fusion Drysuit would be nice...

Come check it out. 

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