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Oxygen Provider Class


In the Oxygen Provider class we cover how to properly setup equipment and administer emergency oxygen  Then we covered safety considerations, and how to assemble and disassemble emergency oxygen equipment.

Today I had three students who were heading to Curacao within a month to complete their rescue diver course. By the time they finish their week in sun and fun they will all be qualified to become Master Scuba Divers as well.

Congratulations to David, Sara and Charleen on completing the Oxygen Provider course! Have a great time in Curacao!

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EFR & Oxygen Provider Class

This is always fun to teach. While the subject matter is serious the training is kept light, engaging and lots of hands on.

We covered Primary Care, the ABCDS of the Life Line and practice the skills needed to assist someone is trouble. We worked with an AED and its proper use.

With Secondary Care we covered how to assess a persons condition who is in need and how to administer basic first aid; you know bandages, splits, take a pulse, that stuff.

In the Oxygen Provider class we cover how to properly setup equipment and administer emergency oxygen (always check to make sure the washer is in place :-) ). Then we covered safety considerations, and how to assemble and disassemble emergency oxygen equipment.

Congratulations to Mark on completing these courses!





EFR Class

Today I had the fun task of teaching the EFR Primary and Secondary Care course. Normally the course is divided into two parts, first is independent study which the student reviews the course work and video at home. Then we do skill development, knowledge reviews and testing.  Due to the students time constraints we did the whole course together. Made for a long day, but it was fun. Serious subject matter - keep the training light, engaging and lots of hands on and the time flys by.

We covered Primary Care, the ABCDS of the Life Line and practice the skills needed to assist someone is trouble. We worked with an AED and its proper use.

With Secondary Care we covered how to assess a persons condition who is in need and how to administer basic first aid; you know bandages, splits, take a pulse, that stuff.

Congratulations to Mike, Nery, Eric, Manuel and Gerson on completing the course. Great Job!



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