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Back to the Bahamas!!



Back to the Bahamas!!

At DEMA last year, Stuart Cove's was giving away a weekend dive package for three days of morning dives for two people. You had to get there and get your own accommodations—all in all, not a bad deal.

I figured I would ask my daughter Meg if she wants to be my dive buddy for this trip while at dinner one night in January. Naturally, Steven, her husband, had joined us for dinner and said: "I always wanted to learn to dive." 

Later that month, we all got together for a family dinner. We told the group our plan. Chris said he wanted to learn to dive. Patti and Robert would be happy to spend the weekend in the Bahamas; I couldn't dive this trip; someone had to hang out with my granddaughter.

There you have it,  a family weekend in New Providence. 

Worked at finding a place that we could all be together that would not break the bank.  Patti had recommended looking at AirBnB.  After a bunch of searches, we found a place on the edge of Nassau a block from Junkanoo beach and two blocks from downtown. The shuttle bus from the Stuart Cove's picked up from across the street it could not have worked out better.

The plan:  the divers would do two-morning dives;  the rest of the group would head to the beach for a morning of fun or find some other adventures to explore.   Then we would all get together for lunch and explore Nassau for the rest of day.

Flying in on three different airlines with three different arrival times. Meg and Steven arrived early in the day and spent some time on the beach.  Chris and I arrived early and found that Patti and Robert had just cleared customs so we meet them outside of customs.

Our AirBnB host offer to pick us up at the airport with a quick stop at the grocery store. Then our host gave us a tour of the place we were staying.

Once we got the sleeping arrangement sorted and some dinner we reviewed the plan for the following day.

The divers were up and out early Friday morning to meet the dive shop bus.  Which took us to the other end of the island to Stuart Cove's.   Checked in, found our boat, they have a bunch of them.  In short order we setup up our gear, boat captain briefing done, we headed out.    A short ride off the to the south west of the island to the wreck of the David Tucker.  It sits in 60 ft of water with ledge a short distance away.   

Top of the ledge was at ~60 ft the bottom was estimated around 3000 ft. 

Hearing there was a ledge that looked into the abyss, Steven and Chris wanted to go there first.  After the divemaster briefing, I give our crew an additional briefing about ledges, up-wells, walls and monitoring depth.  Since this was their first ocean dive we did not want to go too crazy with first. 

Little to no current, good, not great viz.  We were moored to the stern of the wreck. Once we all got in the water, weighting sorted out, we headed to the down the line and out to the edge.  To be honest diving ledges is in my top five favorite types of dives, there is usually so much to see.  Today was me making sure of dive group safety.  Everyone did well on the ledge and yes they pushed their depth limits, I stayed below them and told them not one goes deeper than me. I was at 75 feet so they all came to join me at one point so I eased our way back to 60 feet. We found a natural break in the reef and swam back to the top of the reef then did a tour around the wreck.  Everyone's air consumption was very good, we reach our dive time completed our safety stop and headed back top side. Ending a great first dive for the weekend and a great ocean dive 1 for Chris and Steven. 

Conditions as we are heading back to the dock after our second dive of the day on Friday on Elk Horn Reef

The second dive was to Elk Horn reef a great 25-35 ft shallow dive, great viz and no current. A good healthy reef with a good mix of fish.  A nice hour long dive then back to shore.

Oh yeah, I had planned my dives this year so I would hit my 900th dive during this trip.  Check another accomplishment off as done, this dive was #900.  Next goal Dive #1000 hoping to get it by the end of 2017 but we will see.


The Queen's Staircase Nassau Bahamas


After the bus drive back to Nassau we meet up with the rest of the group.  We walked through town and made our way to The Queens Staircase.  Since Patti and Robert had recently been to Nassau on a cruise they knew the best way to approach the stairs was from the top and walk down.  We did our tour through town so we would end up at the top. 

Impressive structure considering it was all cut by manual labor.  Lots of old structures and having been a fan of the "Black Sails" series TV I wanted to see downtown Nassau. This is my fourth trip to downtown Nassau but this would be my first time to really walk around town. 

I had to walk around a little the first time I was here in 1998 or 1999 just as Atlantis was opening, From what I can remember a lot has changed. Not all of it for the better. There was an old-world island feel to the place, now it is gear toward the cruise ships.  I understand progress but it is not the same.

Day 2 the divers head out early hoping for different part of the sea to explore but we ended up on the wreck of the Tucker again.  I mention it to the crew and they offered to change the 2nd dive to a different location.  That was nice since it was a full boat.  Today the guys wanted to do a quick dip off of the ledge then back to the wreck to explore.  The David Tucker is the model boat as the Austin Smith further down in the Exuma's. An old coast guard patrol boat, once it was decommissioned it was sunk as part of Nassau’s artificial reef program.  The boat is just the right size to explore the exterior at this depth. The was a bit more surface current on this dive then what we had yesterday but no big deal. Another good dive.

The second dive was to the Hollywood Bowl,  A sandy spot on the lee side a reef outcropping that creates a bowl shape, and as you would guess this is where just about every underwater movie scene in the  Bahamas is shot.  Due to the clear water, shallow depth,  easy to get to by boat from shore. A very fun dive. You can explore the bowl then work your way back into the shallow breakers, Great shallow dive.


Met up with the rest of the group, they went to the Zoo for the morning and had a great time. We headed back downtown to see the sites. Today we walked the waterfront, all geared toward the cruise ship population.; There were three ships in port today. We figured most of them must have been downtown in the morning because it was not that crowded.  Those of legal aged sampled the adult beverages as we strolled. For the record that was not me. heat and adult beverages are not a good mix.

We did stop for lunch at the Pirate Republic. The beer was good, the food was okay but very pricey for what you got. In the end, it is the location. Can't fault anyone for trying to make a buck.


Heading out of Stuart Cove's dock for some more great diving.

Day 3  our last day of diving. One cool thing about today's dive, we were on a flat top boat. Once the boat was secured and you got the all clear to dive you just step to the edge of the deck and did a giant stride in. The crew told us they use this boat when film crews are in town,   Allows a lot of people to get in the water quickly.


Today had its challenge and the challenge was the current. My new divers were not expecting it.  We had discussed the possibles and options,  but when you encounter it, it makes it real.  It was a strong two knot for the most part.  We were on the wreck BBC and there was another wreck beyond the BBC but we did not make it that far.  We got our dive crew to the lee side of this listing tug.  I attempted to swim around the bow and head to the other wreck the current was strong enough after about five kick cycles of me going nowhere I let them know we are going to stay here and explore the lee side of the tug,  out of the current.  We checked out the wheelhouse, the deck, we could get to the screws and rudder but could not get much further.  Others from the boat seem to sail past toward the other  wreck  but my group was content to explore this area  Coming up the line and for our safety stop we looked like flags on the line due to the current.  It added a level of respect for the power of the sea even at 2 knots for my group.  I have done drift dives in a 3-4 knot current, you are basically flying through the water. But fixed location dives are a challenge with the stronger current.

Picture by Patti Yao

Our shore crew spent the morning at the beach.  Once we were all together we caught a ferry to Atlantis, we stopped at Margaritaville for lunch then over to Atlantis to walk the grounds and check out the aquarium, we divers wanted to our shore crew to share in some of what we saw diving. They did tell us they saw a lot of fish in the water at the beach as well.

That brought our weekend trip to a close. Monday morning we started flying out.  Patti and Robert caught the first flight out. Meg and Steven had a mid-morning flight.

Chris and I had an afternoon fight. We pack up the luggage and put it by the door then headed back downtown to do some last minute gift shopping.

Found our items, went back grabbed our bags, made our way to the airport and our weekend adventure was done.  We had a get time!

Now to start planning our next group adventure.



My Sister becomes a Doctor



My Sister becomes a Doctor

Not a diving thing but a family thing.  On Monday, June 12 my sister Kathleen earned and received her Doctorate from Drexel University.  I am very proud of her. She worked hard for the last several years while working full time and moving three times for work to achieve this life goal.   The following day we went to the beach to celebrate! 

Since we where in Philly we had to get pretels

Since we where in Philly we had to get pretels




April Dive Club weekend - Diving with this Guy!



April Dive Club weekend - Diving with this Guy!

Or a better title would -

You have a goal for this year. funny so do I!

Carl, this everybody, Everybody this is Carl.   Carl received his Open Water Cert during our Florida Spring Trip in 2016 and he was hooked.  So hooked within a year he did five specialties and 50 dives which earn him his Master Diver.  Then he started his career as Dive Professional currently a Dive Guide and soon to be working on his Dive Master looking to Dive Control Specialist/Assistance Instructor this summer. Yeah, that hook set deep.

We were sitting around the shop last week and he asked me if I was going diving this weekend.  I told him not if I don't have to the lake is cold.  To which he responded, "going diving this weekend?"  I relented, Even though I just did my dry suit cert last weekend I chose to use my wetsuit.  Since I could not dive the entire weekend due to other plans on Saturday, we dove on Sunday. 

During one of our surface intervals, we got on to the subject of personal dive objective for the year. I started the year diving in the Bahamas with dive number 831. During the course of that dive I remember thinking could I get to dive 1000 this year, what would that take.   After doing the math figured, okay, dive 1000 might be a stretch but it could be done, but dive 900 was well within reach. I decided dive 1000 was the overall goal for the year with dive 900 as the short term object.  Now how to do it.  I needed dive buddies and to make the time.

I explained this to Carl and he said it just so happens he is trying to get to his dive 200 this year, he is currently at dive 58. He as a well has short term goals dive 100 and dive 150 knowing that dive 200 was ways  out there. 

Since it was Sunday we only did three dives towards our goal. Traffic on 95 North on Sunday afternoon can be real pain  Beach traffic north of Richmond, then the entire section between Fredericksburg and Woodbridge where the top speed averages around 10-20 mph after 1 PM you didn't hang around long at the lake after 12 PM if you wanted to make it home at a reasonable hour.

We agreed if either one of us needed a dive buddy to let the other know.  Let's see how we do!



Feeding the Swimming Pigs!



Feeding the Swimming Pigs!

January 3 2017
The Swimming Pigs of the Bahamas, what could be more fun!

Okay, today we were there early and they were not swimming. But I have seen them swim in the past.   The crew saved a slop bucket which we brought ashore for the pigs to feed on.  On days the pigs are in the water they take apple slices for them to feed on while they swim as well. 



Celebrating the New Year in the Bahamas!



Celebrating the New Year in the Bahamas!

Did not have any plans for New Year's 2017. I felt I needed a break, I NEEDED to go diving. Found some friends who were going to Nassau for a week and I joined in.

Arriving in Nassau exited the plane down a flight of stairs on to the tarmac. It was about 32 degrees when I left DC, it was 72 degrees in Nassau. How nice it was!

Passed through customs found the tour bus driver for the ride to the boat. Wasted no time removing jacket and sweatshirt. then took this picture and posted it on Facebook and did not feel bad about posting it, hehe.  It was warm and wonderful.

Van loaded usual ride across the island. I realized this was my third trip to  Nassau. I have another trip plan here for later this year.

Dropped off at the Nassau Harbor Club met by the crew directed to the boat, I knew the way.  Bunks assigned, Bags up packed and stowed in the Harbor Club. Initial briefing by Captain Red who offered us a choice, we could set sail but the wind was picking up and then it would be a rough ride or we could stay in port celebrate the New Year watching the fireworks over Atlantis resort. The later is what he was pushing. We followed his recommendation.

 Clancy, our cook, who I am still convinced is a magician, made the first of weeks meals for 30 people on a boat in a galley that was slightly larger than a typical coat closet. The rest of the evening we got to know our shipmates.  Just before midnight the case of champagne was brought out and opened. We are all ready when the New Year started along with the fireworks over Atlantis.  The fireworks were excellent and went on for a good long time. Match or beat any July 4th show.   After the show and many empty bottles of bubbly, we all started drifting off to our bunks to see what the new year would bring us.

The crew managed to get up and pull out of port early, like before 6 AM.  Nothing like listening to the water move past the hull next your bunk.   I go up went on deck they had the sails up and we were moving.  At some point doing the week, Red said that at one point we were doing 9 knots. 

Heading out to our first dive site Lobster No Lobster.  Captain Red noted we would be staying in the Exuma Sound for the first part of the week, the wind was up, so was the ocean  it would be an unpleasant ride. They did a great job picking great locations to dive in the mean time.

I will be posting daily segments  or dive site locations as I get videos and pictures together,

Sailing New Year's Day 2017

Sailing New Year's Day 2017



Guys Dive 2016



Guys Dive 2016

My wrap up post for Guys Dive 2016 in Key Largo.  Plus additional photos on the



Return to Deerfield Beach!



Return to Deerfield Beach!

It has  been a while.  The shop had not been to Deerfield Beach to go diving since before the change in ownership.  They were looking for  a long weekend type trip that would not bust the bank.  I had mentioned the shop use to go  at least twice a year to Deerfield Beach to dive with Dixie Divers on the Lady Go Diver.    That mention made me the trip lead.

 Long drive there and back but the diving was excellent with a bit of current. One of the dives it was really moving  like 3-4 knots, Flying underwater, good thing it was a drift dive, actually it wasn't it was a wreck dive that turned into a drift dive.

We are planning to go again Spring of 2017 then again in the Fall if there are enough who want to go.  Come join us.







SSI ITS Training

ITS - Instructor Training Seminar
From SSI's Web Site for the ITS

The pinnacle of SSI’s dive professional training is the desirable Instructor Trainer rating. SSI Instructor Trainers are qualified to teach the Instructor Training Course (ITC) and prepare future SSI Instructors for their Instructor Evaluation(IE). This is one of the most rewarding and most challenging experiences an Instructor can perform.

The Instructor Trainer Seminar (ITS) is an international event where you will meet instructors from all over the world. You will experience intensive training and evaluations as well as the opportunity to build a personal network with people from other countries who share your passion. This is your chance to become “The Ultimate Dive Instructor.

A week in Charlotte NC at Open Water Adventures our ITS was conducted by Joe Guydeski.  A week of skills review, knowledge review, presentations  a lot like my Open Water Instructor Exam. The difference is a couple hundred diver certification I know the materiel really well. This week was about doing what other had done for me. Set those who are prepare up for success and how to council those who are not how to improve.  The main focus is to be able to prepare Dive Control Specialist ready their Instructor Examination. 

Skills where not problem, rescue was a breeze. Cramped badly during third lap of the 800 meter swim.  Struggled with 25 meter underwater snorkel.  I am use to doing it is 25 meter pool this was a 12 meter pool, the turn was killing me. I would get 3/4s of the way through and called it.  Worked on t,t where are there turns in the ocean anyway.  After some practice I got it. 

A great week at a great facility Looking forward to this new level of teaching.

People Pictures above are from Tige Pratt





Didn't get to go diving this weekend.

Okay, I am bummed. Did not get to go diviing to tryout my new regs. I did end up helping my son Chris make his Mother's day gift. He made a butterfly house.

My job on this project was to advise, and make sure no body parts got in the way of saw blades, drill press bits, etc. The orbital sanded did give his finger a quick smoothing. He paid more attention after that.   It turn out pretty cool. 


Have to look at the schedule and see when I can plan this dive.





Another American Icon has passed.

The LA Times and the Daily Herald has reported that Oscar G.Mayer passed away Monday at the age of 95. From the article he was the son of the on three brothers that started the company in 1890.

Who doesn't know the song. "My bologna has a first name...." come on sing it with me!! Or now it will be stuck in you head and you won't be able to get it to stop.

SO, go grill, boil or roast a hot dog and raise a toast to OSCAR MAYER.

Here is a link to article:

On Memorial Weekend I was at the Sheetz gas station in Haymarket Virginia. The Wienermobile had pulled in as I was pulling out. This picture was shot out my Jeep window while waiting for traffic to move, anyone that has been to that Sheetz on the weekend knows this place is a zoo.




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